Index/purARa/Brahmavaivarta_Purana のバックアップ差分(No.3)

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* Brahmanda Purana (01) - (05) [#gd7193e7]
* [Motilal Banarsidass Publishers] (Ancient Indian Tradition and Mythology) Brahmavaivarta Purana (01) - (03) [#t1e31e28]
|xvii||[01]|-|-|I||The Title Brahmanda|
|xviii|xix|[01]|-|-|||Extent, Position, Transmission|
|xix||[01]|-|-|||The place of Composition|
|xx||[01]|-|-|II||Text-criticism: Materials|
|xx||[01]|-|-|i||Chapter Concordance of the Brahmanda and Vayu Puranas|
|xxii||[01]|-|-|ii||The Brahmanda and Narada Puranas|
|xxvi||[01]|-|-|iii||The Old Javanese Brahmanda Purana|
|xxx||[01]|-|-|III||The Brahmanda as a Maha-Purana|
|xliv||[01]|-|-|IV||Religious Sects in the Brahmana Purana: &br;Saivism - Vaisnavism - Saktism - The Sun Worship - An Obscure cult - Godharma - Non-Vedic religions|
|lviii||[01]|-|-|V||Dharma Sastra - Ancient Lores - The Science of Music|
|lxiii||[01]|-|-|VI||Religion and Philosophy in the Brahmanda Purana: &br;Vedanta - Sankhya - Yoga - Bhakti - Tantra - other points|
|lxvi||[01]|-|-|VII||The Parasurama Legend|
|lxxiv||[01]|-|-|VIII||Historical Tradition in the Brahmanda Purana|
|lxxix||[01]|-|-|IX||The Date of the Brahmanda Purana|
|lxxxi||[01]|-|-|X||Appendix to the date of the Brahmanda Purana|
|I||[01]|-|-|||Section I - PRAKRIYA|
|P. 0003||[01]|-|-|0001. ||Contents of the Brahmanda Purana|
|P. 0022||[01]|-|-|0002. ||The Legend of Naimisaranya|
|P. 0029||[01]|-|-|0003. ||Evolution of the Universe: The Creation of Hiranyagarbha|
|P. 0032||[01]|-|-|0004. ||Constitution of the world (The Cosmic Egg)|
|P. 0036||[01]|-|-|0005. ||Creation of the Universe|
|P. 0057||[01]|-|[02]|0006. ||Kalpas and Manvantaras; their Duration|
|P. 0065||[01]|-|[02]|0007. ||Knowledge About the World|
|P. 0086||[01]|-|[02]|0008. ||God Brahma's Mental Creation: gods, sages, manes, and human beings created|
|P. 0093||[01]|-|[02]|0009. ||Progeny of Rudra: Birth of Bhrgu and Others|
|P. 0101||[01]|-|[02]|0010. ||Magnificence of God Siva: Birth of Nilalohita: His eight Names and Forms|
|P. 0109||[01]|-|[02]|0011. ||Creation of Sages|
|P. 0113||[01]|-|[02]|0012. ||Race of Agni|
|P. 0120||[01]|-|[02]|0013. ||Real Nature of Kala - Time: Seasons as Pitrs (Manes)|
|P. 0134||[01]|-|[02]|0014. ||Race of Priyavrata|
|P. 0141||[01]|-|[02]|0015. ||Length and extent of the Earth: Description of Jambudvipa|
|P. 0149||[01]|-|[02]|0016. ||Description f Bharata|
|P. 0162||[01]|-|[02]|0017. ||Varsas of Jambudvipa, Hari and Havrta|
|P. 0165||[01]|-|[02]|0018. ||Jambudvipa; the Bindu Lake - Its four streams|
|P. 0174||[01]|-|[02]|0019. ||Plaksa and other Continents|
|P. 0192||[01]|-|[02]|0020. ||Description of the Netherworlds|
|P. 0198||[01]|-|[02]|0021. ||The Solar System. Movements of heavenly Luminaries: Division of Time|
|P. 0214||[01]|-|[02]|0022. ||The Divine Luminaries, Varieties of clouds, Divisions of Stratosphere, the Chariot of the Sun-God|
|P. 0222||[01]|-|[02]|0023. ||Information about Heavenly bodies. The movement of the Polar Str|
|P. 0232||[01]|-|[02]|0024. ||The arrangement of the Heavenly Luminaries. The Sun, the surces of Light to Luminaries|
|P. 0247||[01]|-|[02]|0025. ||Origin of the Epithet Nilakantha. Siva swallowing poison|
|P. 0258||[01]|-|[02]|0026. ||Origin of the Linga-image of Siva|
|P. 0265||[01]|-|[02]|0027. ||Siva cursed the Daruvana sages. Installation of Siva Linga - Injunctions regarding Ashbath|
|P. 0277||[01]|-|[02]|0028. ||Meeting of Pururavas and Pitrs. Performance of annual obsequies on the New Moon Day|
|P. 0287||[01]|-|[02]|0029. ||Cycle of Yugas. Characteristics of Yugas|
|P. 0296||[01]|-|[02]|0030. ||Inauguration of the Sacrificial Cult. Fall of King Vasu for denunciation of Sacrifices|
|P. 0301||[01]|-|[02]|0031. ||The four Yugas: Castes and Stages of Life|
|P. 0313||[01]|-|[02]|0032. ||Yugas and Classes of People. Lineage of Sages|
|P. 0325||[01]|-|[02]|0033. ||Characteristics of Sges and of Mantras|
|P. 0331||[01]|-|[02]|0034. ||Vyasa and his Disciples|
|P. 0338||[01]|-|[02]|0035. ||Legends of Yajnavalkya and Vyasa, Description of Svayambhuva Manvantara|
|P. 0361||[01]|-|[02]|0036. ||The Lineage of Manu, Manvantaras Milking of the Earth|
|P. 0381||[01]|-|[02]|0037. ||Caksusa Manvantara: Dynasty of Vaivasvata Manu|
|P. 0386||[01]|-|[02]|0038. ||The Vaivasvata Manvantara: The Marica Creation|
|P. 0395||[02]|-|[03]|0001. ||Creation of Sages - Birth of Seven Sages: Race of Bhrgu and Angiras|
|P. 0407||[02]|-|[03]|0002. ||Progeny of Prajapati: Race of Daksa|
|P. 0410||[02]|-|[03]|0003. ||Race of Dharma: Three Attributes of the Self-born God. Creation of Gods and Sages|
|P. 0422||[02]|-|[03]|0004. ||Pronunciation of a Curse on Jayas|
|P. 0426||[02]|-|[03]|0005. ||Nrsimha Incarnation. Hiranyakasipu slain: Race of Hiranyakasipu: Birth of Maruts|
|P. 0435||[02]|-|[03]|0006. ||Glorification of the Race of Danu|
|P. 0438||[02]|-|[03]|0007. ||Different Dynastics Enumerated|
|P. 0477||[02]|-|[03]|0008. ||Race of the Sages: Atri and Vasistha|
|P. 0486||[02]|-|[03]|0009. ||Propitiation of Pitrs|
|P. 0494||[02]|-|[03]|0010. ||Birth of Skanda|
|P. 0505||[02]|-|[03]|0011. ||Offering Rice-Cake to the Manes: Feeding Brahmanas. Establishing Fire|
|P. 0517||[02]|-|[03]|0012. ||Rules regarding Sraddha Rituals. Five Mahayajnas|
|P. 0521||[02]|-|[03]|0013. ||Enumeration of Holy Spots for Sraddha|
|P. 0537||[02]|-|[03]|0014. ||Purification Rites; Sraddha Ritual; Sight of a Nude Ascetic to be avoided|
|P. 0549||[02]|-|[03]|0015. ||Test for a Brahmana deserving for Sraddha invitation|
|P. 0557||[02]|-|[03]|0016. ||Praise of Charitable gifts in Sraddha|
|P. 0563||[02]|-|[03]|0017. ||Appropriate Tithis for performing Sraddha|
|P. 0566||[02]|-|[03]|0018. ||Performance of Sraddha under different Constellations|
|P. 0569||[02]|-|[03]|0019. ||Qualifications of a Brahmana for Sraddha Gifts; Merits of Sraddha performance at Sacred Places|
|P. 0579||[02]|-|[03]|0020. ||Seven Classes of Pitrs: Rites of Propitiating them|
|P. 0581||[02]|-|[03]|0021. ||A Dialogue between Aurva and Parasurama|
|P. 0588||[02]|-|[03]|0022. ||Parasurama's Penance|
|P. 0597||[02]|-|[03]|0023. ||Penance of Parasurama (Continued)|
|P. 0604||[02]|-|[03]|0024. ||Penance of Parasurama: His acquisition of the knowledge of Astras|
|P. 0611||[02]|-|[03]|0025. ||Parasurama protects a boy from a tiger|
|P. 0620||[02]|-|[03]|0026. ||Karttavirya visits the Hermitage of Jamadagni|
|P. 0626||[02]|-|[03]|0027. ||Haihaya Arjuna's Reception and Halt at Night|
|P. 0633||[02]|-|[03]|0028. ||Haihaya ill advised to confiscate Jamadagni's Kamadhenu|
|P. 0641||[02]|-|[03]|0029. ||A Quarrel over the Cow: Jamadagni murdered : The Cow disappears|
|P. 0643||[02]|-|[03]|0030. ||Lamentation of Renuka: Parasurama's vow to slay all Ksatriyas. Jamadagni resuscitated|
|P. 0650||[02]|-|[03]|0031. ||Parasurama advised by Brahma to approach Siva about Haihaya|
|P. 0654||[02]|-|[03]|0032. ||Parasurama's Penance: Receives missiles from Siva|
|P. 0660||[02]|-|[03]|0033. ||Protective Mantra from World Conquest|
|P. 0664||[02]|-|[03]|0034. ||Story of an antelope and his beloved: A hymn eulogising Krsna|
|P. 0669||[02]|-|[03]|0035. ||Parasurama visits Agastya's Hermitage|
|P. 0675||[02]|-|[03]|0036. ||Agastya recites the Hymn Krsnamrta|
|P. 0683||[02]|-|[03]|0037. ||The Narrative of Bhargava Parasurama|
|P. 0687||[02]|-|[03]|0038. ||Narrative of Bhargava Parasurama (Continued)|
|P. 0692||[02]|-|[03]|0039. ||Story of Bhargava Parasurama (Continued)|
|P. 0698||[02]|-|[03]|0040. ||King Karttavirya slain|
|P. 0704||[02]|-|[03]|0041. ||Story of Bhargava Parasurama (Continued)|
|P. 0709||[02]|-|[03]|0042. ||Story of Bhargava Parasurama (Continued)|
|P. 0715||[02]|-|[03]|0043. ||Story of Bhargava Parasurama (Continued)|
|||[03]|-|[03]|||UPODGHATAPADA (Continued)|
|P. 0721||[03]|-|[03]|0044. ||Story of Parasurama|
|P. 0724||[03]|-|[03]|0045. ||Story of Parasurama (Continued)|
|P. 0726||[03]|-|[03]|0046. ||Story of Parasurama (Continued)|
|||[03]|-|[03]|0047. ||Story of Parasurama (Continued)|
|P. 0738||[03]|-|[03]|0048. ||Sagara keeps his vow|
|P. 0744||[03]|-|[03]|0049. ||Conquest of the world by Sagara|
|P. 0750||[03]|-|[03]|0050. ||Sagara's Visit to Aurva's Hermitage|
|P. 0756||[03]|-|[03]|0051. ||Banishment of Asamanjasa|
|P. 0762||[03]|-|[03]|0052. ||The Sacrificial Horse is let loose|
|P. 0766||[03]|-|[03]|0053. ||Destruction of the sons of Sagara|
|P. 0770||[03]|-|[03]|0054. ||Recovery of the Sacrificial Horse|
|P. 0775||[03]|-|[03]|0055. ||Amsuman installed as Crown Prince|
|P. 0778||[03]|-|[03]|0056. ||Descent of Ganga|
|P. 0784||[03]|-|[03]|0057. ||Varuna visits Bhargava|
|P. 0790||[03]|-|[03]|0058. ||Rama reclaims land from the sea|
|P. 0793||[03]|-|[03]|0059. ||Birth of Vaivasvata|
|P. 0801||[03]|-|[03]|0060. ||Progeny of Vaivasvata Manu|
|P. 0803||[03]|-|[03]|0061. ||A Dissertation on Music|
|P. 0811||[03]|-|[03]|0062. ||Science of Music|
|P. 0816||[03]|-|[03]|0063. ||The Iksvaku Dynasty|
|P. 0835||[03]|-|[03]|0064. ||Description of Nimi Dynasty|
|P. 0838||[03]|-|[03]|0065. ||Nativity of Soma and Saumya|
|P. 0842||[03]|-|[03]|0066. ||Description of Amavasu Dynasty|
|P. 0850||[03]|-|[03]|0067. ||Origin of Dhanvantari|
|P. 0859||[03]|-|[03]|0068. ||Story of Yayati|
|P. 0869||[03]|-|[03]|0069. ||Birth of Karttavirya|
|P. 0874||[03]|-|[03]|0070. ||Dynasties of Jyamagha and Vrsni|
|P. 0879||[03]|-|[03]|0071. ||Vrsni Dynasty|
|P. 0901||[03]|-|[03]|0072. ||Praise of the Lord: Conclusion|
|P. 0920||[03]|-|[03]|0073. ||Description of the Glory of Visnu|
|P. 0931||[03]|-|[03]|0074. ||Royal Dynasties|
|v||[04]|-|[04]|||Publisher's Note|
|P. 0957||[04]|-|[04]|0001. ||Dissolution of the Universe|
|P. 0978||[04]|-|[04]|0002. ||The city of Siva|
|P. 1008||[04]|-|[04]|0003. ||Dissolution of the Universe|
|P. 1020||[04]|-|[04]|0004. ||Re-creation of the Universe|
|||[04]|-|[04]|||LALITA MAHATMYA|
|P. 1031||[04]|-|[04]|0005. ||Agastya's Pilgrimage to sacred places: Manifestation of Visnu|
|P. 1035||[04]|-|[04]|0006. ||A Dialogue between Agastya and Hayagriva. The Nature of Violence etc.|
|P. 1042||[04]|-|[04]|0007. ||The Sins of Theft and Drinking|
|P. 1050||[04]|-|[04]|0008. ||Sexual crime|
|P. 1057||[04]|-|[04]|0009. ||Churning of the ocean for Nectar|
|P. 1065||[04]|-|[04]|0010. ||Manifestation of Mohini|
|P. 1073||[04]|-|[04]|0011. ||Appearance of Asura Bhanda|
|P. 1077||[04]|-|[04]|0012. ||Manifestation of Lalita|
|P. 1084||[04]|-|[04]|0013. ||A hymn in praise of Lalita|
|P. 1088||[04]|-|[04]|0014. ||Manifestation of Kamesvara|
|P. 1091||[04]|-|[04]|0015. ||Festivities in honour of the marriage of Lalita with Kamesvara|
|P. 1097||[04]|-|[04]|0016. ||March of Victory along with the army|
|P. 1100||[04]|-|[04]|0017. ||March of the army of Syamala|
|P. 1105||[04]|-|[04]|0018. ||March of the army of Lalita Paramesvari|
|P. 1107||[04]|-|[04]|0019. ||Deities stationed on the Chariot Cakraraja|
|P. 1116||[04]|-|[04]|0020. ||Deities on the Kiricakraratha|
|P. 1125||[04]|-|[04]|0021. ||Boasting of Bhandasura|
|P. 1133||[04]|-|[04]|0022. ||Durmada and Kuranda slain|
|P. 1142||[04]|-|[04]|0023. ||Five Asura Generals Slain|
|P. 1151||[04]|-|[04]|0024. ||Seven generals beginning with Balahaka slain|
|P. 1159||[04]|-|[04]|0025. ||Flight of Visanga|
|P. 1168||[04]|-|[04]|0026. ||Bhandasura's sons slain|
|P. 1178||[04]|-|[04]|0027. ||Exploits of Gananatha|
|P. 1187||[04]|-|[04]|0028. ||Visukra and Visanga slain|
|P. 1197||[04]|-|[04]|0029. ||Slaying of Bhandasura|
|P. 1211||[04]|-|[04]|0030. ||Resurrection of Madana (god of love)|
|P. 1227||[05]|-|[04]|0031. ||Manifestation of Seven Chambers and the daughters of Matanga|
|P. 1237||[05]|-|[04]|0032. ||Manifestation of the guardian deities of the seven chambers of Tripura in Srinagara|
|P. 1244||[05]|-|[04]|0033. ||Seven Chambers beginning with Topaz ramprt and ending with the rampart of Pearls|
|P. 1253||[05]|-|[04]|0034. ||The Region of Siva and of the guardians of quarters|
|P. 1261||[05]|-|[04]|0035. ||The preparation of materials of worship in Mahapadmatavi|
|P. 1271||[05]|-|[04]|0036. ||The Inner Chamber of Cintamani|
|P. 1280||[05]|-|[04]|0037. ||Description of other inner Apartments in the Royal Chamber|
|P. 1289||[05]|-|[04]|0038. ||Procedure of Practising the Royal mantra|
|P. 1299||[05]|-|[04]|0039. ||Glory of the Goddess Kamaksi|
|P. 1311||[05]|-|[04]|0040. ||Greatness of Kamaksi|
|P. 1324||[05]|-|[04]|0041. ||Propitiation of Goddess kamaksi|
|P. 1334||[05]|-|[04]|0042. ||Various Mudras, Mystical Gestures with the fingers|
|P. 1336||[05]|-|[04]|0043. ||Types of Initiation and the True Service of the Preceptor|
|P. 1349||[05]|-|[04]|0044. ||Meditation on the Goddess|
|P. 1365||[05]|-|[04]|||ILLUSTRATION: Sri Cakra|
|P. 1367||[05]|-|[04]|||INDEX|
|v||[01]|-|[01]|||Publisher's Note|
|vii||[01]|-|[01]|||Note of the General Editor|
|||[01]|-|[01]|||Brahma Khanda|
|P. 0001||[01]|-|[01]|||Invocation|
|P. 0002||[01]|-|[01]|||Introductory|
|P. 0002||[01]|-|[01]|0001. ||Contents of the Purana|
|P. 0008||[01]|-|[01]|0002. ||Exposition about the Supreme Brahman|
|P. 0011||[01]|-|[01]|0003. ||The Exposition about Creation|
|P. 0019||[01]|-|[01]|0004. ||Manifestation of Minor Gods|
|P. 0022||[01]|-|[01]|0005. ||The Periods of Time and the Creation of Goloka and Radha|
|P. 0028||[01]|-|[01]|0006. ||Eulogy of Siva on Krsna and Merits of Worship of Siva|
|P. 0034||[01]|-|[01]|0007. ||The Creation of the "Worlds|
|P. 0036||[01]|-|[01]|0008. ||The Creation of the Sages and the Mutual Curses of Brahma and Narada|
|P. 0041||[01]|-|[01]|0009. ||The Further Creation of Other Beings|
|P. 0049||[01]|-|[01]|0010. ||The Origin of the Different Castes|
|P. 0063||[01]|-|[01]|0011. ||The Greatness of a Devotee of Visnu|
|P. 0068||[01]|-|[01]|0012. ||The Birth of Narada as a Gandharva|
|P. 0072||[01]|-|[01]|0013. ||The Lamentation of Mahavati, a Gandharva Woman|
|P. 0079||[01]|-|[01]|0014. ||The Dialogue between Mahavati and Visnu and the Greatness of Krsna|
|P. 0085||[01]|-|[01]|0015. ||The Dialogue between Mahavati and Kalapurusa|
|P. 0090||[01]|-|[01]|0016. ||The Conversation between Visnu and Malati on Medical Treatment|
|P. 0097||[01]|-|[01]|0017. ||The Dialogue between Lord Visnu and the Gods and the Greatness of Lord Visnu|
|P. 0103||[01]|-|[01]|0018. ||The Revival of the Gandharva and Malati's Eulogy of the Supreme God|
|P. 0107||[01]|-|[01]|0019. ||Eulogy on (Lords) Visnu and Siva|
|P. 0115||[01]|-|[01]|0020. ||The Narration of the Story of Upabarhana.|
|P. 0120||[01]|-|[01]|0021. ||The Release of Narada from the Curse|
|P. 0125||[01]|-|[01]|0022. ||The Etymology of the Names of the Sons of Brahma|
|P. 0128||[01]|-|[01]|0023. ||The Dialogue between Brahma and Narada|
|P. 0132||[01]|-|[01]|0024. ||The Dialogue of Brahma and Narada about Mundane Existence|
|P. 0136||[01]|-|[01]|0025. ||Narada's Visit to Kailasa|
|P. 0139||[01]|-|[01]|0026. ||The Dialogue between Siva and Narada about Daily Practices|
|P. 0147||[01]|-|[01]|0027. ||The Instruction about Daily Practices|
|P. 0151||[01]|-|[01]|0028. ||The Form of Brahman, Vaikuntha, etc.|
|P. 0157||[01]|-|[01]|0029. ||The Query of Narada about the Supreme Being Lord Krsna|
|P. 0158||[01]|-|[01]|0030. ||The Eulogy Glorifying Lord Krsna|
|P. 0161||[01]|-|[01]|||Notes|
|v||[02]|[01]|[01]|||Publisher's Note|
|vii||[02]|[01]|[01]|||Note of the General Editor|
|||[02]|[01]|[01]|||Prakrti Khanda|
|P. 0001||[02]|[01]|[01]|0001. ||The Nature of Prakrti and Its Different Forms|
|P. 0015||[02]|[01]|[01]|0002. ||The Description of the Origin of the Gods and Goddesses|
|P. 0022||[02]|[01]|[01]|0003. ||The Creation of the Different Worlds|
|P. 0028||[02]|[01]|[01]|0004. ||The Worship Of and Eulogy on Sarasvati|
|P. 0036||[02]|[01]|[01]|0005. ||Eulogy on Goddess Vani Made by Yajnavalkya|
|P. 0039||[02]|[01]|[01]|0006. ||Legend of Sarasvati|
|P. 0049||[02]|[01]|[01]|0007. ||The Advent of Kaliyuga and the Manifestation of Visnu as Kalki|
|P. 0058||[02]|[01]|[01]|0008. ||The Origin of the Earth and Eulogy on Her|
|P. 0064||[02]|[01]|[01]|0009. ||Merits and Demerits of Making Gifts on Earth|
|P. 0067||[02]|[01]|[01]|0010. ||The Narration about Ganga|
|P. 0082||[02]|[01]|[01]|0011. ||The Legend of Ganga|
|P. 0091||[02]|[01]|[01]|0012. ||The Legend of Ganga (Continued)|
|P. 0093||[02]|[01]|[01]|0013. ||The Legend Relating To Tulasi|
|P. 0098||[02]|[01]|[01]|0014. ||The Legend of Vedavati|
|P. 0104||[02]|[01]|[01]|0015. ||The Legend of Tulasi|
|P. 0108||[02]|[01]|[01]|0016. ||The Legend of Tulasi (Continued)|
|P. 0122||[02]|[01]|[01]|0017. ||The Dalliance of Tulasi and Sankhacuda|
|P. 0128||[02]|[01]|[01]|0018. ||The Dialogue between Siva and Sankhacuda|
|P. 0135||[02]|[01]|[01]|0019. ||The Fight between Sankhacuda and the Gods|
|P. 0140||[02]|[01]|[01]|0020. ||The Death of Sankhacuda|
|P. 0143||[02]|[01]|[01]|0021. ||The Legend of Tulasi|
|P. 0152||[02]|[01]|[01]|0022. ||Mode of Worship of Tulasi|
|P. 0156||[02]|[01]|[01]|0023. ||The Legend of Savitri|
|P. 0163||[02]|[01]|[01]|0024. ||The Birth of Savitri and the Story of Satyavan|
|P. 0166||[02]|[01]|[01]|0025. ||The Dialogue between Savitri and Yama|
|P. 0169||[02]|[01]|[01]|0026. ||The Fruits of the Actions|
|P. 0175||[02]|[01]|[01]|0027. ||Fruits of Good Actions|
|P. 0185||[02]|[01]|[01]|0028. ||The Eulogy of Yama by Savitri|
|P. 0187||[02]|[01]|[01]|0029. ||Narration about Hells|
|P. 0189||[02]|[01]|[01]|0030. ||The Description of the Sinners|
|P. 0205||[02]|[01]|[01]|0031. ||Description of the Other Hells|
|P. 0210||[02]|[01]|[01]|0032. ||Deeds Conveying One to Heaven|
|P. 0212||[02]|[01]|[01]|0033. ||Description of the Pits in Yamaloka|
|P. 0221||[02]|[01]|[01]|0034. ||The Description of Lord Krsna and the Revival of Satyavan|
|P. 0229||[02]|[01]|[01]|||Notes|
|v||[02]|[02]|[02]|||Publisher's Note|
|vii||[02]|[02]|[02]|||Note of the General Editor|
|||[02]|[02]|[02]|||Prakrti Khanda|
|P. 0235||[02]|[02]|[02]|0035. ||The Legend of Laksmi|
|P. 0238||[02]|[02]|[02]|0036. ||Durvasas' Curse on Indra|
|P. 0252||[02]|[02]|[02]|0037. ||The Fruits of One's Action|
|P. 0255||[02]|[02]|[02]|0038. ||The Regain of Sri (Prosperity)|
|P. 0261||[02]|[02]|[02]|0039. ||The Mode of Worship of Laksmi|
|P. 0268||[02]|[02]|[02]|0040. ||The Episode of Svaha|
|P. 0273||[02]|[02]|[02]|0041. ||The Episode of Svadha|
|P. 0277||[02]|[02]|[02]|0042. ||The Episode of Daksina|
|P. 0284||[02]|[02]|[02]|0043. ||Origin of Sasthidevi and Her Worship|
|P. 0290||[02]|[02]|[02]|0044. ||The Episode of Mangala and. Her Eulogy|
|P. 0293||[02]|[02]|[02]|0045. ||The Episode of Manasa|
|P. 0294||[02]|[02]|[02]|0046. ||The Mode of Worship of Manasa and Eulogy on Her|
|P. 0306||[02]|[02]|[02]|0047. ||The Episode of Surabhi|
|P. 0309||[02]|[02]|[02]|0048. ||Origin of Radha and Her Adoration|
|P. 0313||[02]|[02]|[02]|0049. ||The Curse of Sudama on Radha|
|P. 0318||[02]|[02]|[02]|0050. ||The Story of King Suyajna|
|P. 0321||[02]|[02]|[02]|0051. ||Instruction on Reward for Past Actions|
|P. 0328||[02]|[02]|[02]|0052. ||The Fruits of Deeds of Ungrateful Persons|
|P. 0332||[02]|[02]|[02]|0053. ||Instruction about Devotion to Lord Krsna|
|P. 0336||[02]|[02]|[02]|0054. ||The Process of Creation, the Manus, the Worship of Radha and Suyajna attaining Goloka|
|P. 0349||[02]|[02]|[02]|0055. ||The Mode of Worship of Radha and Her Eulogy|
|P. 0357||[02]|[02]|[02]|0056. ||The Amulet Formula, etc., Relating to Radha|
|P. 0363||[02]|[02]|[02]|0057. ||The Significance of the Names of Durga|
|P. 0367||[02]|[02]|[02]|0058. ||The Warding off of the Blemishes of Tara and Candra|
|P. 0375||[02]|[02]|[02]|0059. ||Brhaspati's Visit to Kailasa to Seek a Solution|
|P. 0382||[02]|[02]|[02]|0060. ||The Means of Rescue of Tara Suggested by Sri Krsna|
|P. 0391||[02]|[02]|[02]|0061. ||The Regain of Tara by Guru and the Birth of Budha|
|P. 0399||[02]|[02]|[02]|0062. ||The-Perfection Gained by Suratha and the Vaisya|
|P. 0403||[02]|[02]|[02]|0063. ||The Dialogue between Prakrti and the Vaisya|
|P. 0406||[02]|[02]|[02]|0064. ||Mode of Worship of Prakrti and the Characteristics of the Sacrificial Animal|
|P. 0414||[02]|[02]|[02]|0065. ||Instruction on Wisdom relating to the Time and Benefit of Worship|
|P. 0417||[02]|[02]|[02]|0066. ||Eulogy on Durga|
|P. 0420||[02]|[02]|[02]|0067. ||An Amulet called Brahmandamohana|
|P. 0423||[02]|[02]|[02]|||Notes|