Index/purARa/Bhagavata_Purana のバックアップソース(No.11)

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* [Motilal Banarsidass Publishers] (Ancient Indian Tradition and Mythology) Bhagavata Purana (01) ~ (05) [#od9e4e77]
|lxxi|cxxix|[01]|-|-|||Bhagavata Mahatmya|
|P. 0001|P. 0420|[01]|-|-|||Bhagavata Purana, Skandhas 1-3|
|P. 0001||[01]|[01]|-|0001. ||Dialogue between Suta and Saunaka in the Naimisa forest|
|P. 0015||[01]|[01]|-|0002. ||Merits of Devotion to Hari|
|P. 0022||[01]|[01]|-|0003. ||Description of 24 incarnations of lord Visnu|
|P. 0033||[01]|[01]|-|0004. ||Arrival of Narada|
|P. 0039|P. 0050|[01]|[01]|-|0005. |0006. |Dialogue between Vyasa and Narada|
|P. 0055||[01]|[01]|-|0007. ||Punishment of Asvatthaman|
|P. 0063||[01]|[01]|-|0008. ||Kunti's Eulogy of Krsna and Yudhisthira's Repentance|
|P. 0072||[01]|[01]|-|0009. ||Yudhisthira's Acquisition of Kingdom|
|P. 0081||[01]|[01]|-|0010. ||Krsna's departure to Dvaraka|
|P. 0088||[01]|[01]|-|0011. ||Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka|
|P. 0095||[01]|[01]|-|0012. ||Birth of Pariksit|
|P. 0101||[01]|[01]|-|0013. ||Discourse of Narada|
|P. 0110||[01]|[01]|-|0014. ||Conjectures of Yudhisthira|
|P. 0115||[01]|[01]|-|0015. ||Ascent of the Pandavas to Heaven|
|P. 0125||[01]|[01]|-|0016. ||Dialogue between the Earth and Dharma Curse of Brahmana|
|P. 0131||[01]|[01]|-|0017. ||Punishment and Control of Kali|
|P. 0137||[01]|[01]|-|0018. ||Curse of Bahamana|
|P. 0144||[01]|[01]|-|0019. ||Arrival of Suka|
|P. 0152||[01]|[02]|-|0001. ||Discourse of Suka, Description of the Cosmic Form of the Lord|
|P. 0159||[01]|[02]|-|0002. ||Liberation by the Yogic : Instantaneous and Gradual Liberation|
|P. 0167||[01]|[02]|-|0003. ||Devotion to Hari- the only path of Liberation|
|P. 0170||[01]|[02]|-|0004. ||Creation of the Universe-Prayers to Hari|
|P. 0175||[01]|[02]|-|0005. ||Creation of the Universe-Dialogue between Narada and Brahmadeva|
|P. 0181||[01]|[02]|-|0006. ||Description of Virat Purusa- exposition of the Purusa Sukta|
|P. 0188||[01]|[02]|-|0007. ||Some Lilavataras and their work|
|P. 0199||[01]|[02]|-|0008. ||Queries regarding the relation between the body, Soul and God|
|P. 0204||[01]|[02]|-|0009. ||Suka's discourse. Catuhsloki Bhagavata|
|P. 0211||[01]|[02]|-|0010. ||Ten characteristics of the Bhagavata Purana|
|P. 0220||[01]|[03]|-|0001. ||Meeting of Vidura and Uddhava|
|P. 0226||[01]|[03]|-|0002. ||Dialogue between Uddhava and Vidura|
|P. 0230||[01]|[03]|-|0003. ||Dialogue between Vidura and Uddhava- Glorious deeds of Krsna|
|P. 0234||[01]|[03]|-|0004. ||Dialogue between Vidura and Uddhava- Destruction of the Yadavass and Krsna's Message|
|P. 0239||[01]|[03]|-|0005. ||Dialogue between Vidura and Maitreya- Tattvas and their Deities|
|P. 0248||[01]|[03]|-|0006. ||Cosmology: Creation of the Universe|
|P. 0254||[01]|[03]|-|0007. ||Vidura's Queries|
|P. 0259||[01]|[03]|-|0008. ||Creation of Brahma- His vision of Narayana|
|P. 0264||[01]|[03]|-|0009. ||Brahma's Prayer and Visnu's Boon|
|P. 0273||[01]|[03]|-|0010. ||Brahma's Penance and Ten-Fold Creation|
|P. 0278||[01]|[03]|-|0011. ||The concept of time: manvantaras and life-spans of men and gods|
|P. 0283||[01]|[03]|-|0012. ||Creation of Rudra, of the mind-born Sons and of Manu and Satarupa|
|P. 0290||[01]|[03]|-|0013. ||The Boar Incarnation|
|P. 0397||[01]|[03]|-|0014. ||Diti's Conception|
|P. 0303||[01]|[03]|-|0015. ||Sanaka and others curse Jaya and Vijaya|
|P. 0311||[01]|[03]|-|0016. ||Fall of Jaya and Vijaya|
|P. 0316||[01]|[03]|-|0017. ||Birth of Hiranyaksa and Hiranyakasipu-Hiranyaksa's Victories|
|P. 0320||[01]|[03]|-|0018. ||Hiranyaksa's' fight with Visnu|
|P. 0324||[01]|[03]|-|0019. ||Varaha Kills Hiranyaksa|
|P. 0329||[01]|[03]|-|0020. ||Various Creations of Brahma|
|P. 0335||[01]|[03]|-|0021. ||Kardama's Penance- Visnu Boon|
|P. 0342||[01]|[03]|-|0022. ||Marriage of Kardama and Devahuti|
|P. 0347||[01]|[03]|-|0023. ||Married life of Kardama and Devahuti|
|P. 0353||[01]|[03]|-|0024. ||Kapila Incarnation|
|P. 0359||[01]|[03]|-|0025. ||Dialogue between Kapila and Devahuti: Importance of the Bhakti-yoga|
|P. 0366||[01]|[03]|-|0026. ||Kapila's description of Creation- Samkhya Cosmology|
|P. 0379||[01]|[03]|-|0027. ||Samkhya Philosophy- Prakrti and Purusa|
|P. 0384||[01]|[03]|-|0028. ||Exposition of the Astanga-Yoga- the eight fold path of Yoga|
|P. 0391||[01]|[03]|-|0029. ||The Path of Bhakti and the Power of Time|
|P. 0397||[01]|[03]|-|0030. ||Samsara and Suffering in Hell|
|P. 0400||[01]|[03]|-|0031. ||Sufferings of the Jiva-the Rajasi Gati|
|P. 0409||[01]|[03]|-|0032. ||Excellence of the Bhktiyoga|
|P. 0415||[01]|[03]|-|0033. ||Devahuti's Enlightenment and Liberation|
|P. 0421||[02]|[04]|-|0001. ||The progeny of Svayambhuva Manu's Daughters|
|P. 0429||[02]|[04]|-|0002. ||The Rift between Siva and Daksa|
|P. 0435||[02]|[04]|-|0003. ||Siva dissuades Sati from attendance at Daksayajna|
|P. 0438||[02]|[04]|-|0004. ||Sati's Self-immolation by yoga|
|P. 0444||[02]|[04]|-|0005. ||Destruction of Daksa's Sacrifice|
|P. 0447||[02]|[04]|-|0006. ||Appeasement of Rudra- Revival of Daksa|
|P. 0455||[02]|[04]|-|0007. ||Completion of Daksa's Sacrifice|
|P. 0468||[02]|[04]|-|0008. ||Story of Dhruva|
|P. 0478||[02]|[04]|-|0009. ||Visnu's boon and Dhruva's attainment of Visnu's realm|
|P. 0489||[02]|[04]|-|0010. ||Dhruva invades Alaka|
|P. 0492||[02]|[04]|-|0011. ||Svayambhuva Manu Dissuades Dhruva from Fighting|
|P. 0498||[02]|[04]|-|0012. ||Kubera's Boon and Dhruva's attainment of Visnu's realm|
|P. 0504||[02]|[04]|-|0013. ||Dhuva's descendants: King Anga's abdication|
|P. 0510||[02]|[04]|-|0014. ||The Story of Vena" Prthu's birth|
|P. 0515||[02]|[04]|-|0015. ||Birth of Prthu and his Coronation|
|P. 0519||[02]|[04]|-|0016. ||The eulogy of Prthu's by Bards|
|P. 0522||[02]|[04]|-|0017. ||Prthu subjugates the Earth|
|P. 0527||[02]|[04]|-|0018. ||Milking of the earth|
|P. 0530||[02]|[04]|-|0019. ||Prthu's Conquest: his house sacrifice and Conflict|
|P. 0536||[02]|[04]|-|0020. ||Prthu initiated by Visnu|
|P. 0543||[02]|[04]|-|0021. ||Prthu explains Dharma to his subjects|
|P. 0552||[02]|[04]|-|0022. ||Sanatkumara's Sermon to Prthu|
|P. 0563||[02]|[04]|-|0023. ||Prthu's penance and ascension to heavan|
|P. 0569||[02]|[04]|-|0024. ||Prthu's Descendants and the Hymn of Rudra|
|P. 0583||[02]|[04]|-|0025. ||The Story of Puranjana- introduction|
|P. 0591||[02]|[04]|-|0026. ||Puranjana's Hunting Expedition and His Queen's wrath Pacified|
|P. 0595||[02]|[04]|-|0027. ||Invasion of Candavega- The Episode of Kalakanya|
|P. 0599||[02]|[04]|-|0028. ||Puranjana's Rebirth as a woman and Attainment of liberation|
|P. 0608||[02]|[04]|-|0029. ||The Puranjana allegory explained|
|P. 0621||[02]|[04]|-|0030. ||The Story of Pracetas-their marriage with Marisa and the birth of Daksa|
|P. 0628||[02]|[04]|-|0031. ||The Story of Pracetasas: their Renunciation and liberation|
|P. 0634||[02]|[05]|-|0001. ||The Life of Priyavrata|
|P. 0643||[02]|[05]|-|0002. ||The History of Agnidhra|
|P. 0647||[02]|[05]|-|0003. ||The History of Nabhi-Incarnation of Rsabha|
|P. 0651||[02]|[05]|-|0004. ||The miraculous history of Rsabha|
|P. 0654||[02]|[05]|-|0005. ||Rsabha discourse on the Path of Liberation|
|P. 0661||[02]|[05]|-|0006. ||Rsabha quits his body|
|P. 0665||[02]|[05]|-|0007. ||The Life of Bharata|
|P. 0669||[02]|[05]|-|0008. ||Bharata reborn as a deer|
|P. 0674||[02]|[05]|-|0009. ||Bharata reborn as a Brahmana, saved by Bhadrakali|
|P. 0680||[02]|[05]|-|0010. ||Bharata's Life: king Rahugana accepts discipleship|
|P. 0686||[02]|[05]|-|0011. ||Bharata imparts spiritual knowledge to Rahugana|
|P. 0690||[02]|[05]|-|0012. ||Dialogue between Bharata and Rahugana|
|P. 0694||[02]|[05]|-|0013. ||The Samsara- a forest: An Allegory|
|P. 0700||[02]|[05]|-|0014. ||Explanation of the Allegory of Samsara-Forest|
|P. 0708||[02]|[05]|-|0015. ||Description of Bharata's dynasty|
|P. 0711||[02]|[05]|-|0016. ||Mythological Geography-The Terrestrial Globe|
|P. 0716||[02]|[05]|-|0017. ||Descent of the Ganga|
|P. 0722||[02]|[05]|-|0018. ||Description of Various Continents|
|P. 0730||[02]|[05]|-|0019. ||Description of Kimpurusa and Bharata Varsas|
|P. 0737||[02]|[05]|-|0020. ||Description of the remaining six Dicipas|
|P. 0745||[02]|[05]|-|0021. ||Stellar Region|
|P. 0748||[02]|[05]|-|0022. ||Description of the moon and other Planets|
|P. 0752||[02]|[05]|-|0023. ||Description of Visnu-pada-the position of Dhruva and Sisumara Cakra|
|P. 0755||[02]|[05]|-|0024. ||Rahu's Position and Subterranean Regions|
|P. 0761||[02]|[05]|-|0025. ||Description of Sanskarasana-the Serpent Seas|
|P. 0764||[02]|[05]|-|0026. ||Description of Hells|
|P. 0773||[02]|[06]|-|0001. ||The Story of Ajamila|
|P. 0782||[02]|[06]|-|0002. ||Exposition of the Bhagavata Dharma; Efficacy of the Lord's name and Ajamila's Ascension to Visnu-loka|
|P. 0789||[02]|[06]|-|0003. ||Yama explains Visnu's greatness|
|P. 0795||[02]|[06]|-|0004. ||History of Daksa, the son of Pracetas|
|P. 0803||[02]|[06]|-|0005. ||Daksa curses Narada|
|P. 0809||[02]|[06]|-|0006. ||Progeny of Daksa's Daughter|
|P. 0813||[02]|[06]|-|0007. ||Brhaspati's insult and his abandonment of Preceptorship|
|P. 0818||[02]|[06]|-|0008. ||Narayana-Kavaca|
|P. 0824||[02]|[06]|-|0009. ||Slaying of Visvarupa. Approach of gods to Dadhici|
|P. 0833||[02]|[06]|-|0010. ||Indra-Vrtra fight|
|P. 0837||[02]|[06]|-|0011. ||Indra-Vrtra fight|
|P. 0840||[02]|[06]|-|0012. ||Vrtra slain by indra|
|P. 0845||[02]|[06]|-|0013. ||Indra's Triumph|
|P. 0848||[02]|[06]|-|0014. ||Previous Birth of Vrtra-King Citraketu|
|P. 0854||[02]|[06]|-|0015. ||Consolation of Citraketu|
|P. 0858||[02]|[06]|-|0016. ||Citraketu's Realization of Lord Ananta|
|P. 0866||[02]|[06]|-|0017. ||Citraketu cursed by Parvati|
|P. 0871||[02]|[06]|-|0018. ||Birth of the Maruts|
|P. 0880||[02]|[06]|-|0019. ||Details of the Vow-Pumsavana|
|P. 0885||[03]|[07]|-|0001. ||Conversion between Yudhisthira and Narada Jaya and Vijaya cursed|
|P. 0891||[03]|[07]|-|0002. ||Hiranyakasipu consoles his mother and Kinsmen|
|P. 0898||[03]|[07]|-|0003. ||Hiranyukasipu's penance-Brhma grants Boons|
|P. 0903||[03]|[07]|-|0004. ||Oppression of Hiranyakasipu and Description of Prahjlada's Devotion|
|P. 0909||[03]|[07]|-|0005. ||The Life of Prahlada. Hiranyakasipu attempts to kill Prahlada|
|P. 0916||[03]|[07]|-|0006. ||Prahlada's Teaching|
|P. 0922||[03]|[07]|-|0007. ||Prahlada, enlightened in mother's womb|
|P. 0932||[03]|[07]|-|0008. ||Death of Hiranyakasipu and praise of Nrsimha|
|P. 0941||[03]|[07]|-|0009. ||Prahlada eulogizes Nrsimha|
|P. 0954||[03]|[07]|-|0010. ||Praklada enthroned, the conquest of Tripura|
|P. 0962||[03]|[07]|-|0011. ||The Eternal path of Religion|
|P. 0968||[03]|[07]|-|0012. ||Inquiry into the right conduct|
|P. 0973||[03]|[07]|-|0013. ||The Code of conduct for samnyasins and a dialogue between Avadhuta and Prahalada|
|P. 0979||[03]|[07]|-|0014. ||The duties of the householder|
|P. 0985||[03]|[07]|-|0015. ||Exposition of right conduct|
|P. 0997||[03]|[08]|-|0001. ||Description of Mnanvantaras|
|P. 1002||[03]|[08]|-|0002. ||The Elephant leader seized by the Alligator|
|P. 1006||[03]|[08]|-|0003. ||Liberation of the Mighty Elephant|
|P. 1013||[03]|[08]|-|0004. ||Liberation of the Lord of Elephants|
|P. 1017||[03]|[08]|-|0005. ||Description of V and VI Manvantaras-Brahma Hymns the Lord|
|P. 1025||[03]|[08]|-|0006. ||Mount Mandara Transported for Churning the Ocean|
|P. 1030||[03]|[08]|-|0007. ||The churning of the Sea for Nector|
|P. 1037||[03]|[08]|-|0008. ||The Lord's Manifestation as Mohini|
|P. 1044||[03]|[08]|-|0009. ||Distribution of Nector by Mohini|
|P. 1048||[03]|[08]|-|0010. ||A battle between Gods and Asuras|
|P. 1053||[03]|[08]|-|0011. ||End of the Battle between Gods and Asuras at Narada's Meditation|
|P. 1059||[03]|[08]|-|0012. ||Lord Siva Fascinated by Mohini|
|P. 1065||[03]|[08]|-|0013. ||Description of the future Manvantaras|
|P. 1069||[03]|[08]|-|0014. ||Duties of Manus and their functionaries|
|P. 1071||[03]|[08]|-|0015. ||Bali's Conquest of the Svarga|
|P. 1075||[03]|[08]|-|0016. ||Instruction in the observance of Payovrata to Aditi|
|P. 1083||[03]|[08]|-|0017. ||Manifestation of the Lord as Vamana|
|P. 1087||[03]|[08]|-|0018. ||The Lord incarnates as Vamana. Visit to Bali's Sacrifice|
|P. 1092||[03]|[08]|-|0019. ||Vamana's request for three paces of land-Sukra's opposition|
|P. 1098||[03]|[08]|-|0020. ||Manifestation of the Cosmic form by Visnu|
|P. 1102||[03]|[08]|-|0021. ||Bali bound Down|
|P. 1106||[03]|[08]|-|0022. ||A dialogue between Bali and Vamana|
|P. 1111||[03]|[08]|-|0023. ||Bali free from bonds. Enters Sutala|
|P. 1116||[03]|[08]|-|0024. ||The Fish incarnation of Lord Visnu|
|P. 1125||[03]|[09]|-|0001. ||The story of King Sudyumna|
|P. 1130||[03]|[09]|-|0002. ||History of Karusa and other four sons of Manu|
|P. 1134||[03]|[09]|-|0003. ||The story of Cyavana and Sukanya|
|P. 1138||[03]|[09]|-|0004. ||The account of Nabhaga and Ambarisa|
|P. 1148||[03]|[09]|-|0005. ||Protection of Durvaas. The story of Ambarisa|
|P. 1152||[03]|[09]|-|0006. ||History of Ikscaku's posterity|
|P. 1159||[03]|[09]|-|0007. ||The Story of king Hariscandra|
|P. 1164||[03]|[09]|-|0008. ||The story of king Sagara|
|P. 1170||[03]|[09]|-|0009. ||The descent of the Ganga, the story of Kalmasapada|
|P. 1177||[03]|[09]|-|0010. ||The story of Rama|
|P. 1186||[03]|[09]|-|0011. ||The story of Rama {Concluded}|
|P. 1190||[03]|[09]|-|0012. ||Description of Iksvaku's Race|
|P. 1193||[03]|[09]|-|0013. ||Description of the Race of Nimi|
|P. 1196||[03]|[09]|-|0014. ||Description of the Lunar Race|
|P. 1204||[03]|[09]|-|0015. ||The story of Parasurama, Sahasrajuna slain|
|P. 1209||[03]|[09]|-|0016. ||The story of Concluded|
|P. 1214||[03]|[09]|-|0017. ||The Lunar Dynasty- the Descendants of Ayu, the son of Pururavas|
|P. 1217||[03]|[09]|-|0018. ||History of Nahusa's Line- the story of Yayati|
|P. 1223||[03]|[09]|-|0019. ||Yayati's Retirement and Final Emancipation|
|P. 1227||[03]|[09]|-|0020. ||The History of Puru's race-Birth of Bharata|
|P. 1232||[03]|[09]|-|0021. ||The race of Bharata- The History of Rantideva|
|P. 1236||[03]|[09]|-|0022. ||The History of the Lunar Race-The Royal Dynasties of Pancala. Magadha and Kuru|
|P. 1242||[03]|[09]|-|0023. ||History of the Dynasties of Anu, Druhyu, Turvasu and Yadu|
|P. 1247||[03]|[09]|-|0024. ||History of the Race of Yadu|
|P. 1255||[04]|[10]|-|0001. ||Kamsa kills Devaki's Sons|
|P. 1263||[04]|[10]|-|0002. ||The Lord's descent in Devaki's Womb|
|P. 1270||[04]|[10]|-|0003. ||Description of the Birth of Srikrsna|
|P. 1278||[04]|[10]|-|0004. ||Yoga-Maya's Prophecy and Kamsa's order to Slaughter all children|
|P. 1283||[04]|[10]|-|0005. ||Celebration of Krsna's Birth: Meeting of Nanda and Vasudeva|
|P. 1287||[04]|[10]|-|0006. ||Putana emancipated|
|P. 1293||[04]|[10]|-|0007. ||Destruction of Cart and Trnavarta|
|P. 1299||[04]|[10]|-|0008. ||Krsna's Sports-Display of Visvarupa|
|P. 1305||[04]|[10]|-|0009. ||Grace upon the Gopi; krsna tied to the mortar|
|P. 1308||[04]|[10]|-|0010. ||Uprooting of Arjuna Trees-Redemption of Nalakubaraand Manigriva|
|P. 1315||[04]|[10]|-|0011. ||Exodus from Gokula- Destruction of demons Vatsa and Baka|
|P. 1322||[04]|[10]|-|0012. ||Slaying of Aghasura|
|P. 1329||[04]|[10]|-|0013. ||Infatuation of God Brahma|
|P. 1339||[04]|[10]|-|0014. ||God Brahma Eulogies Krsna|
|P. 1351||[04]|[10]|-|0015. ||Slaying the demon Dhenuka|
|P. 1358||[04]|[10]|-|0016. ||Expulsion of Kaliya|
|P. 1371||[04]|[10]|-|0017. ||Rescue from the Forest Conflagration|
|P. 1375||[04]|[10]|-|0018. ||Slaying of the Demon Pralamba|
|P. 1378||[04]|[10]|-|0019. ||Swallowing up of a Forest-Conflagration|
|P. 1380||[04]|[10]|-|0020. ||Description of the Rainy Season and the Autumn|
|P. 1388||[04]|[10]|-|0021. ||The Son of Gopis|
|P. 1395||[04]|[10]|-|0022. ||Coward-maids pray to Katyayani-Krsna's|
|P. 1401||[04]|[10]|-|0023. ||Spiritual Emancipation of the wives of Brahmana Sacrificers|
|P. 1409||[04]|[10]|-|0024. ||Prevention of Sacrifice to Indra|
|P. 1416||[04]|[10]|-|0025. ||Lifting up of Mount Govardhana|
|P. 1420||[04]|[10]|-|0026. ||Conversation between Nanda and Cowherds|
|P. 1423||[04]|[10]|-|0027. ||Indra Coronates Krsna|
|P. 1428||[04]|[10]|-|0028. ||Nanda rescued from Varuna|
|P. 1431||[04]|[10]|-|0029. ||Lord Krsna's Rasa with Gopis|
|P. 1443||[04]|[10]|-|0030. ||Search after Krsna|
|P. 1449||[04]|[10]|-|0031. ||Gopi's song|
|P. 1453||[04]|[10]|-|0032. ||Krsna comforts Gopis|
|P. 1458||[04]|[10]|-|0033. ||Description of Rasa Krida|
|P. 1465||[04]|[10]|-|0034. ||Sudarsana emancipated and slaying of Sankhacuda|
|P. 1468||[04]|[10]|-|0035. ||Gopi's song in pairs of Verses|
|P. 1472||[04]|[10]|-|0036. ||Akura deputed to bring Krsna and Balarama to Mathura|
|P. 1480||[04]|[10]|-|0037. ||Slaying of Asuras Kesin and Vyoma|
|P. 1484||[04]|[10]|-|0038. ||The arrival of Akrura to Gokula|
|P. 1491||[04]|[10]|-|0039. ||Akrura returns with Krsna and Balarama|
|P. 1498||[04]|[10]|-|0040. ||Akrura Hymn {in praise of the Lord}|
|P. 1503||[04]|[10]|-|0041. ||Krsna's arrival at Mathura|
|P. 1510||[04]|[10]|-|0042. ||Description of the Wrestling Arena|
|P. 1514||[04]|[10]|-|0043. ||Killing of the elephant Kuvalayapida|
|P. 1519||[04]|[10]|-|0044. ||Slaying of Kamsa|
|P. 1525||[04]|[10]|-|0045. ||Restoration of preceptor Sandipani's son|
|P. 1533||[04]|[10]|-|0046. ||Uddhava deputed for consoling Nanda|
|P. 1539||[04]|[10]|-|0047. ||Uddhava's discourse on the Real Nature of the Lord|
|P. 1551||[04]|[10]|-|0048. ||Visit to the Houses of Trivakra and Akrura|
|P. 1556||[04]|[10]|-|0049. ||Akrura's Mission to Hastinapura|
|P. 1560||[04]|[10]|-|0050. ||Settlement at the Fort of Dvaraka|
|P. 1571||[04]|[10]|-|0051. ||Mucukunda's Eulogy of the Lord|
|P. 1580||[04]|[10]|-|0052. ||Krsna and Balarama escape to Dvaraka: Balarama's marriage. Rukmini's letter to Krsna|
|P. 1588||[04]|[10]|-|0053. ||Rukmini's Marriage: Rukmini carried away by Krsna|
|P. 1595||[04]|[10]|-|0054. ||Celebration of Rukmini's Marriage|
|P. 1603||[04]|[10]|-|0055. ||The story of Pradyumna's Birth|
|P. 1608||[04]|[10]|-|0056. ||The story of Syamantaka Jewel|
|P. 1614||[04]|[10]|-|0057. ||The story of Syamantaka Jewel, murder of Satrajit for Syamantaka, Akrura allowed to retain it|
|P. 1620||[04]|[10]|-|0058. ||Espousals of Lord Krsna|
|P. 1628||[04]|[10]|-|0059. ||Narakasura slain|
|P. 1637||[04]|[10]|-|0060. ||Conversation between Krsna and Rukmini|
|P. 1647||[04]|[10]|-|0061. ||Aniruddha's marriage|
|P. 1652||[04]|[10]|-|0062. ||Aniruddha taken captive by Banasura|
|P. 1657||[04]|[10]|-|0063. ||Bana Vanquished Aniruddha brought to Dvaraka|
|P. 1663||[04]|[10]|-|0064. ||The story of Nrga|
|P. 1669||[04]|[10]|-|0065. ||Balarama's visit to Gokula-the course of the Yamuna diverted|
|P. 1674||[04]|[10]|-|0066. ||Slaying of Pundraka and others|
|P. 1679||[04]|[10]|-|0067. ||Balarama slays Dvivida|
|P. 1682||[04]|[10]|-|0068. ||Hastinapura dragged by Balarama|
|P. 1688||[04]|[10]|-|0069. ||Srikrsna's household life|
|P. 1694||[04]|[10]|-|0070. ||Krsna's Daily Observances; Deputation from Captibve kings of Jarasandha|
|P. 1700||[04]|[10]|-|0071. ||Srikrsna's visit to indraprstha|
|P. 1707||[04]|[10]|-|0072. ||Jarasandha slain|
|P. 1712||[04]|[10]|-|0073. ||Return of Krsna and other s to Indraprastha|
|P. 1717||[04]|[10]|-|0074. ||Yudhisthira's Rajasuya: Sisupala slain|
|P. 1723||[04]|[10]|-|0075. ||Dicomfiture of Duryodhana|
|P. 1728||[04]|[10]|-|0076. ||Fight with Salva|
|P. 1733||[04]|[10]|-|0077. ||Slaying of King Salva|
|P. 1740||[04]|[10]|-|0078. ||Dantavaktra and Viduratha slain: Balarama's Pilgrimage|
|P. 1747||[04]|[10]|-|0079. ||Balvala killed: Balarama's Pilgrimage|
|P. 1752||[04]|[10]|-|0080. ||The story of the Brahmana Sridaman|
|P. 1758||[04]|[10]|-|0081. ||The story of the Parched Rice|
|P. 1763||[04]|[10]|-|0082. ||Meeting of Vrsnis and Gopas of Vrndavana|
|P. 1770||[04]|[10]|-|0083. ||Narration of their Marriage. Episodes by krsna's consorts|
|P. 1777||[04]|[10]|-|0084. ||Vasudeva's Sacrifice|
|P. 1787||[04]|[10]|-|0085. ||Restoration of his Elder Brothers by Krsna from the Realm of Death|
|P. 1796||[04]|[10]|-|0086. ||Elopement of Subhadra: The Lord's Grace on Srutadeva|
|P. 1804||[04]|[10]|-|0087. ||Hymn of praise by the Vedas|
|P. 1826||[04]|[10]|-|0088. ||God Rudra saved|
|P. 1831||[04]|[10]|-|0089. ||Supremacy of Visnu Vindicated|
|P. 1841||[04]|[10]|-|0090. ||The song of Queens: resume of Krsna's sports|
|P. 1851||[04]|[10]|-|||APPENDIX - Additional verses in VJ's Text|
|P. 1887||[05]|[11]|-|0001. ||Sage's Curse: Imprecating the Annihilation of Yadu's Race|
|P. 1890||[05]|[11]|-|0002. ||Bhagavata Dharma; Narada's Narration of King Nimi's Dialogue with Jayanteya and others|
|P. 1902||[05]|[11]|-|0003. ||Discourse on the Maya, the means to transcend it, the Brhman and the Path of Action|
|P. 1916||[05]|[11]|-|0004. ||Description of the Lord's Incarnation by Drumila|
|P. 1920||[05]|[11]|-|0005. ||Nature and Fare of non-Devotees: Yuga-wise Methods of Worshipping the Lord|
|P. 1928||[05]|[11]|-|0006. ||Lord Krsna Requested to return t Vaikuntha: Uddhava's Desire to follow him|
|P. 1936||[05]|[11]|-|0007. ||Sri Krsna's Spiritual Guidance to Uddhava: the Legend of the Avadhuta and his Preceptors|
|P. 1947||[05]|[11]|-|0008. ||What the Avadhuta learnt from the Nine Preceptors from the Boa-Constrictor to Pingala|
|P. 1952||[05]|[11]|-|0009. ||The Discourse of the Avadhuta Concluded|
|P. 1957||[05]|[11]|-|0010. ||How the Jiva is Ensnared in Samsara|
|P. 1963||[05]|[11]|-|0011. ||Characteristics of Bondage and Liberation and of Devotion|
|P. 1974||[05]|[11]|-|0012. ||Importance of Association with Saints. The performance and Renunciation of prescribed Karmas|
|P. 1981||[05]|[11]|-|0013. ||The Spiritual Knowledge Imparted by the Divine Swan|
|P. 1990||[05]|[11]|-|0014. ||The Path of Devotion and the Method of Meditation|
|P. 1996||[05]|[11]|-|0015. ||The Super-normal Powers Attained by Yoga|
|P. 2003||[05]|[11]|-|0016. ||Description of Visnu's Glorious Manifestations|
|P. 2010||[05]|[11]|-|0017. ||The Sacred Duties of a Celibate and a Householder|
|P. 2019||[05]|[11]|-|0018. ||Duties of Hermits and Sannyasins|
|P. 2027||[05]|[11]|-|0019. ||Expositiona of Spiritual knowledge, its Realization and Yogic Disciplines|
|P. 2035||[05]|[11]|-|0020. ||Elucidation of Karma, Jnana and Bhakti Yogas|
|P. 2041||[05]|[11]|-|0021. ||Criteria for determining the good and the evil|
|P. 2050||[05]|[11]|-|0022. ||Enumeration of Principles. The Distinction between Prakrti and Purusa|
|P. 2060||[05]|[11]|-|0023. ||The song of a Recluse|
|P. 2070||[05]|[11]|-|0024. ||Elucidation of Samkhya yoga|
|P. 2076||[05]|[11]|-|0025. ||The Three Gunas and their Workings|
|P. 2082||[05]|[11]|-|0026. ||The Song of Aila|
|P. 2086||[05]|[11]|-|0027. ||The Yoga of Active Service|
|P. 2095||[05]|[11]|-|0028. ||The Essence of the Path of knowledge|
|P. 2104||[05]|[11]|-|0029. ||Bhakti Yoga Recapitulated: departure of Uddhava to Badarikasrama|
|P. 2112||[05]|[11]|-|0030. ||Extermination of the Race of Yadavas|
|P. 2119||[05]|[11]|-|0031. ||Lord Krsna's Return to Vaikuntha|
|P. 2123||[05]|[12]|-|0001. ||Dynasties of the Kali Age|
|P. 2130||[05]|[12]|-|0002. ||The Evils of the Kali Age|
|P. 2135||[05]|[12]|-|0003. ||Dharma in every Yuga: Efficacy of God's Name|
|P. 2143||[05]|[12]|-|0004. ||The Four-Fold Pralaya|
|P. 2150||[05]|[12]|-|0005. ||Suka's concluding Precept Concerning Brahman|
|P. 2152||[05]|[12]|-|0006. ||Taksaka Bites Pariksit: Jamejaya's Serpent Sacrifice: Classification of Vedas in Different Branches|
|P. 2165||[05]|[12]|-|0007. ||The Branches of the Atharva Ceda: Characteristics of the Puranas|
|P. 2170||[05]|[12]|-|0008. ||Markandeya's Penance and Praise of Lord Narayana|
|P. 2177||[05]|[12]|-|0009. ||The Lord Exhibits His Maya|
|P. 2182||[05]|[12]|-|0010. ||God Siva's Boon to Markandeya|
|P. 2189||[05]|[12]|-|0011. ||Significance of the various parts of the Lord's Image: the Retinue of the sun-God per month|
|P. 2197||[05]|[12]|-|0012. ||A synoptic Review of the Twelve Skandhas of Srimad Bhagavata|
|P. 2205||[05]|[12]|-|0013. ||The extent of each of the Eighteen Puranas: The Glory of the Bhagavata|
|P. 2209||[05]|[12]|-|||Appendix|
|P. 2213||[05]|[12]|-|||Index|