Index/purARa/Ganesa_Purana のバックアップソース(No.11)

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* [Motilal Banarsidass Publishers] (Ancient Indian Tradition and Mythology) Ganesa Purana (01) ~ (03) [#w6dd952b]
|v||[01]|-|-|A||PUBLISHER'S NOTE|
|xiii||[01]|-|-|I||The Ganesa Purana|
|xv||[01]|-|-|II||Dating and Place of Composition of the Ganesa Purana|
|xxi||[01]|-|-|III||The Idiosyncratic Nature of the Ganesa Purana|
|xxiii||[01]|-|-|V||Content of the upasanakhanda|
|xxxiv||[01]|-|-|VI||Traditional and non-traditional material in the upasanakhanaa|
|xxxix||[01]|-|-|VII||The upasanakhanda as a ritual text|
|xlii||[01]|-|-|VIII||A note on the text|
|P. 0001||[01]|-|-|0001. ||Description of Somakanta|
|P. 0004||[01]|-|-|0002. ||The Second Chapter|
|P. 0007||[01]|-|-|0003. ||Description of Conduct and so forth|
|P. 0012||[01]|-|-|0004. ||Entering the City|
|P. 0016||[01]|-|-|0005. ||Conversation between Sudharma and Cyavana|
|||[01]|-|-|0006. ||Arrival at Bhrgu's Hermitage|
|P. 0024||[01]|-|-|0007. ||Description of Somakanta's Earlier Life|
|P. 0027||[01]|-|-|0008. ||The Restraining of many Birds|
|P. 0031||[01]|-|-|0009. ||The Tale of Instruction to the King|
|P. 0034||[01]|-|-|0010. ||Description of Vyasa's Questions|
|P. 0037||[01]|-|-|0011. ||The Tale of the Mantra|
|P. 0040||[01]|-|-|0012. ||The Vision of Ganesa|
|P. 0043||[01]|-|-|0013. ||Description of Brahma's Eulogy|
|||[01]|-|-|0014. ||Description of Brahma's Anxiety|
|P. 0051||[01]|-|-|0015. ||Description of Gajanana's Worship|
|P. 0055||[01]|-|-|0016. ||The Entreaty to the Goddess|
|P. 0058||[01]|-|-|0017. ||Instruction in the Mantra|
|P. 0062||[01]|-|-|0018. ||The Tale of the-Origin of Siddhaksetra|
|P. 0066||[01]|-|-|0019. ||Description of Kamala's Son|
|P. 0070||[01]|-|-|0020. ||Daksa's Eulogy|
|P. 0075||[01]|-|-|0021. ||Description of the Teaching of the Man|
|P. 0078||[01]|-|-|0022. ||The Tale of Ballala and Vinayaka|
|P. 0083||[01]|-|-|0023. ||The Narration of the Future|
|P. 0087||[01]|-|-|0024. ||The Tale of the Vision|
|P. 0089||[01]|-|-|0025. ||Description of the Consecration Ceremony|
|P. 0092||[01]|-|-|0026. ||Description of the Lineage|
|P. 0095||[01]|-|-|0027. ||Description of the Consecration of Rukmangada|
|P. 0097||[01]|-|-|0028. ||The Fasting unto Death|
|P. 0099||[01]|-|-|0029. ||The Visit of Narada|
|P. 0102||[01]|-|-|0030. ||The Violation of Ahalya|
|P. 0104||[01]|-|-|0031. ||The Description ofIndra's Curse|
|P. 0107||[01]|-|-|0032. ||The tale of the Mantra|
|P. 0110||[01]|-|-|0033. ||Indra'sGoing Forth|
|P. 0113||[01]|-|-|0034. ||Description of the Sacred Forge of Cintamani|
|P. 0117||[01]|-|-|0035. ||Description of the Fate of Kadamba City|
|P. 0122||[01]|-|-|0036. ||The Tale of Grtsamada|
|P. 0126||[01]|-|-|0037. ||The Tale of the Boon-giver|
|P. 0130||[01]|-|-|0038. ||The Gift of Boons|
|P. 0134||[01]|-|-|0039. ||Indra's Defeat|
|P. 0138||[01]|-|-|0040. ||Description of the Eulogy|
|P. 0144||[01]|-|-|0041. ||The arrival of Narada|
|P. 0147||[01]|-|-|0042. ||Description of the Battle|
|P. 0150||[01]|-|-|0043. ||Description of the Victory|
|P. 0153||[01]|-|-|0044. ||Description of the Austerity|
|P. 0156||[01]|-|-|0045. ||The Gift of a Boon to the Mountain Dweller|
|P. 0160||[01]|-|-|0046. ||Narration of the Thousand-names of Ganesa in the conversation between Siva and Ganesa|
|P. 0181||[01]|-|-|0047. ||Siva's Victory|
|P. 0185||[01]|-|-|0048. ||Parvatf's Appearance|
|P. 0189||[01]|-|-|0049. ||Description of the Ritual for an Earthen Image of Ganesa|
|P. 0195||[01]|-|-|0050. ||The Tale of the Vow of the Fourth during the conversation between Parvati and Himavat|
|P. 0197||[01]|-|-|0051. ||The Fifty-first Chapter|
|P. 0203||[01]|-|-|0052. ||The Traditional Narration in the Conversation between Himavat and Parvati|
|P. 0206||[01]|-|-|0053. ||Description of Nala's Vow in the Conversation between Himavat and Parvati|
|P. 0210||[01]|-|-|0054. ||The Tale of Candrangada|
|P. 0213||[01]|-|-|0055. ||The Conversation between Indumati and Narada|
|P. 0216||[01]|-|-|0056. ||The Union of Siva and Parvati|
|P. 0220||[01]|-|-|0057. ||The Conversation between Indra and Surasena|
|P. 0223||[01]|-|-|0058. ||The Short Tale of Bhrusundi|
|P. 0228||[01]|-|-|0059. ||Tale of the Vow called the Samkastacaturthi|
|P. 0231||[01]|-|-|0060. ||The Narrative concerning the Vow of the Fourth|
|P. 0234||[01]|-|-|0061. ||The Tale of the Angaracaturthi Vow|
|P. 0239||[01]|-|-|0062. ||Description of the Moon's Curse and favour|
|P. 0244||[01]|-|-|0063. ||The Tale of the Durva Grass|
|P. 0247||[01]|-|-|0064. ||The Durvamahatmya|
|P. 0252||[01]|-|-|0065. ||The Durvamahatmya (Contd.)|
|P. 0254||[01]|-|-|0066. ||The Durvamahatmy (Contd.)|
|P. 0258||[01]|-|-|0067. ||The Durvamahatmya (Contd.)|
|P. 0261||[01]|-|-|0068. ||The Durvamahatmya (Contd.)|
|P. 0266||[01]|-|-|0069. ||Description of the Vow called Samkasta of the Fourth|
|P. 0270||[01]|-|-|0070. ||Description of the Vow of the Fourth|
|P. 0276||[01]|-|-|0071. ||The Tale of the Vow of the Fourth|
|P. 0278||[01]|-|-|0072. ||The Tale of the Vow of the Fourth|
|P. 0281||[01]|-|-|0073. ||The Caturthimahatmya|
|P. 0285||[01]|-|-|0074. ||The Caturthimahatmya (Contd.)|
|P. 0288||[01]|-|-|0075. ||The Caturthimahatmya (Contd.)|
|P. 0292||[01]|-|-|0076. ||The Seventy-sixth Chapter|
|P. 0296||[01]|-|-|0077. ||The Caturthimahatmya|
|P. 0302||[01]|-|-|0078. ||The Seventy-eighth Chapter|
|P. 0307||[01]|-|-|0079. ||The Tale of Kartavirya|
|P. 0311||[01]|-|-|0080. ||The Tale of Kartavirya (Contd.)|
|P. 0315||[01]|-|-|0081. ||The Tale of Rama|
|P. 0317||[01]|-|-|0082. ||Relating to Bhargava|
|P. 0320||[01]|-|-|0083. ||The Gift of a Boon to Rama|
|P. 0325||[01]|-|-|0084. ||On the Solicitation of Kama|
|P. 0330||[01]|-|-|0085. ||The Burning of Kama|
|P. 0336||[01]|-|-|0086. ||The Tale of Visakha|
|P. 0336||[01]|-|-|0087. ||The Tale of Karttikeya|
|P. 0338||[01]|-|-|0088. ||The Killing of the Demon Taraka|
|P. 0344||[01]|-|-|0089. ||Kama's Request for a Boon|
|P. 0324||[01]|-|-|0090. ||The Tale of Sesa|
|P. 0352||[01]|-|-|0091. ||The Tale of Sesa (Contd.)|
|P. 0357||[01]|-|-|0092. ||Description of Various Forms of Worship|
|P. 0362||[01]|-|-|0093. ||Description of Gajanana's Name|
|xiv||[02]|[01]|-|I||Literary Organization of the Krkh|
|xvii||[02]|[01]|-|III||Boyhood and Divine Identity|
|xxxii||[02]|[01]|-|V||Demonic Recognition.|
|xxxviii||[02]|[01]|-|VI||Elephant-head or Human-head|
|xli||[02]|[01]|-|VII||Ganesa as Object of Devotion|
|xlvi||[02]|[01]|-|VIII||Types of Myths in the Krkh|
|lx||[02]|[01]|-|IX||Intertextuality: The Life of Krsna|
|||[02]|[01]|-|||Translation and Notes|
|||[02]|[01]|-|||KRIDA KHANDA|
|P. 0001||[02]|[01]|-|0001. ||Obeisance to the Lord of the Illustrious, Ganesa|
|P. 0006||[02]|[01]|-|0002. ||Gaining of the Boon|
|P. 0009||[02]|[01]|-|0003. ||Victory in Heaven|
|P. 0013||[02]|[01]|-|0004. ||Vyasa's Question|
|P. 0015||[02]|[01]|-|0005. ||Dialogue between Sage Kasyapa and Aditi|
|P. 0020||[02]|[01]|-|0006. ||Vinayaka's Manifestation|
|P. 0025||[02]|[01]|-|0007. ||Liberation of the Demoness Viraja|
|P. 0028||[02]|[01]|-|0008. ||The Liberation of the Crocodile|
|P. 0031||[02]|[01]|-|0009. ||The Eulogy Beginning with Ha Ha|
|P. 0036||[02]|[01]|-|0010. ||Description of Various Names|
|P. 0039||[02]|[01]|-|0011. ||Indra's Theophany|
|P. 0043||[02]|[01]|-|0012. ||The Killing of the Night-Stalkers|
|P. 0048||[02]|[01]|-|0013. ||Ganesa's Entry into Kasi|
|P. 0051||[02]|[01]|-|0014. ||Ganesa's Kills Demons for the Brahmin Dharmadatta|
|P. 0055||[02]|[01]|-|0015. ||The Freeing of the City|
|P. 0059||[02]|[01]|-|0016. ||The Return of the King|
|P. 0064||[02]|[01]|-|0017. ||Ganesa's Invitation to Bhrusundin|
|P. 0069||[02]|[01]|-|0018. ||The Killing of the Cheating Demon|
|P. 0073||[02]|[01]|-|0019. ||The Killing of Kupa and Kandara|
|P. 0077||[02]|[01]|-|0020. ||The Killing of the Three Demons|
|P. 0081||[02]|[01]|-|0021. ||The Killing of the Demoness who Appears as Aditi|
|P. 0087||[02]|[01]|-|0022. ||The People's Request|
|P. 0091||[02]|[01]|-|0023. ||The Gift of the Boon to Sukla|
|P. 0095||[02]|[01]|-|0024. ||The Tale of Vinayaka's Feeding|
|P. 0099||[02]|[01]|-|0025. ||The Tale of the Proclamation about Devotion|
|P. 0102||[02]|[01]|-|0026. ||The Liberation of Bhisma and the Raksasa|
|P. 0104||[02]|[01]|-|0027. ||The Confinement of the Ministers|
|P. 0107||[02]|[01]|-|0028. ||Description of the Births of Bhisma and the Raksasa|
|P. 0110||[02]|[01]|-|0029. ||The Killing of Virocana|
|P. 0113||[02]|[01]|-|0030. ||Tale of the Vamana Avatara|
|P. 0117||[02]|[01]|-|0031. ||Vamana's Praise of Ganesa|
|P. 0122||[02]|[01]|-|0032. ||The Description of Kirti's Praise|
|P. 0126||[02]|[01]|-|0033. ||The Revival of the Boy|
|P. 0130||[02]|[01]|-|0034. ||The Story of Mandara and Samika|
|P. 0134||[02]|[01]|-|0035. ||The Praise of Mandara and Sami|
|P. 0138||[02]|[01]|-|0036. ||Savitri Curses the Gods to become Rivers|
|P. 0141||[02]|[01]|-|0037. ||The Glorification of the Sami and the Mandara|
|P. 0144||[02]|[01]|-|0038. ||Dhundhiraja|
|P. 0150||[02]|[01]|-|0039. ||The Narrative of Durasada|
|P. 0153||[02]|[01]|-|0040. ||Vinayaka Born from Parvau's Sakti|
|P. 0157||[02]|[01]|-|0041. ||The Battle between Ganesa and Durasada|
|P. 0160||[02]|[01]|-|0042. ||The Victory over Durasada|
|P. 0163||[02]|[01]|-|0043. ||The Narrative of Dhundhiraja|
|P. 0164||[02]|[01]|-|0044. ||Divodasa' s Reign|
|P. 0166||[02]|[01]|-|0045. ||The Tale of Divodasa|
|P. 0170||[02]|[01]|-|0046. ||Ganesa Enters Varanasi as an Astrologer|
|P. 0173||[02]|[01]|-|0047. ||Visnu Enters Varanasi as a Buddhist|
|P. 0177||[02]|[01]|-|0048. ||The Gift of a Boon to Kirti|
|P. 0182||[02]|[01]|-|0049. ||The Description of the Results of the Sami and the Mandara|
|P. 0185||[02]|[01]|-|0050. ||The Description of Ganesa's World|
|P. 0191||[02]|[01]|-|0051. ||The Arrival of the Flying Vehicle|
|P. 0194||[02]|[01]|-|0052. ||Tour of the Divine Cities|
|P. 0199||[02]|[01]|-|0053. ||Description of the King's Attainment of Wonderful Bliss|
|P. 0204||[02]|[01]|-|0054. ||Ganesa Gives a Darsana to the People of Varanasi|
|P. 0209||[02]|[01]|-|0055. ||The Release of the Messengers|
|P. 0212||[02]|[01]|-|0056. ||The Departure of Narantaka|
|P. 0217||[02]|[01]|-|0057. ||The Confinement of the King|
|P. 0221||[02]|[01]|-|0058. ||The Restraint of Narantaka|
|P. 0225||[02]|[01]|-|0059. ||Liberation of the King|
|P. 0229||[02]|[01]|-|0060. ||The Battle between Narantaka, the Daitya King and Vinayaka|
|P. 0233||[02]|[01]|-|0061. ||The Destruction of the Daitya and Manifestation of the Universal Form|
|P. 0236||[02]|[01]|-|0062. ||The Siege of the City|
|P. 0241||[02]|[01]|-|0063. ||The Removal of Sukra|
|P. 0244||[02]|[01]|-|0064. ||Battle between the Siddhis and the Demons|
|P. 0246||[02]|[01]|-|0065. ||Buddhi's Victory|
|P. 0249||[02]|[01]|-|0066. ||The Defeat of the Siddhis|
|P. 0252||[02]|[01]|-|0067. ||The Battle of the Weapons|
|P. 0255||[02]|[01]|-|0068. ||The Battle of the Weapons (contd.)|
|P. 0259||[02]|[01]|-|0069. ||Entrance into the City|
|P. 0262||[02]|[01]|-|0070. ||Entrance into the City (contd.)|
|P. 0264||[02]|[01]|-|0071. ||Vinayaka's Return to the Hermitage|
|P. 0268||[02]|[01]|-|0072. ||The Tale of Vinayaka's Life|
|P. 0272||[02]|[01]|-|0073. ||The Description of Sindhu's Progenation|
|P. 0277||[02]|[01]|-|0074. ||The Gift of a Boon|
|P. 0281||[02]|[01]|-|0075. ||The Defeat of the Gods|
|P. 0285||[02]|[01]|-|0076. ||Visnu Battles the Demon Army|
|P. 0287||[02]|[01]|-|0077. ||Visnu Gives a Boon to Sindhu|
|P. 0290||[02]|[01]|-|0078. ||The Gift of a Boon of Prosperity to the Gods|
|P. 0294||[02]|[01]|-|0079. ||The Gift of a Mantra to Gauri|
|P. 0298||[02]|[01]|-|0080. ||Ganesa Agrees to be Reborn in Parvati|
|P. 0301||[02]|[01]|-|0081. ||Ganesa Appears before Parvati in his Universal Form|
|P. 0304||[02]|[01]|-|0082. ||Ganesa's Name-Giving|
|P. 0309||[02]|[01]|-|0083. ||Ganesa Kills the Vulture Grdha before Parvati|
|||[02]|[02]|-|||KRIDA KHANDA|
|P. 0313||[02]|[02]|-|0084. ||The Killing of Balasura|
|P. 0317||[02]|[02]|-|0085. ||Ganesa's Protective Amulet|
|P. 0321||[02]|[02]|-|0086. ||Description of the seating on the Ground|
|P. 0324||[02]|[02]|-|0087. ||The Killing of the Asura Kamatha|
|P. 0328||[02]|[02]|-|0088. ||The Killing of the Asura Mancaka|
|P. 0332||[02]|[02]|-|0089. ||The Killing of the Asura Salabha|
|P. 0335||[02]|[02]|-|0090. ||The Killing of Avija|
|P. 0338||[02]|[02]|-|0091. ||The Killing of Silasura and Matsyasura|
|P. 0343||[02]|[02]|-|0092. ||The Showing of the Universal Vision and the Killing of the Asura Kardama|
|P. 0348||[02]|[02]|-|0093. ||The Killing of Cancala|
|P. 0351||[02]|[02]|-|0094. ||The Trip to Gautama's Hermitage|
|P. 0355||[02]|[02]|-|0095. ||The Killing of the Asura Vrka|
|P. 0361||[02]|[02]|-|0096. ||The Debate between Aditi and Gauri|
|P. 0366||[02]|[02]|-|0097. ||Vinata and Kadru|
|P. 0371||[02]|[02]|-|0098. ||The Giving of a Boon to Sikhandin|
|P. 0375||[02]|[02]|-|0099. ||The Killing of the Asura Bhaga I|
|P. 0380||[02]|[02]|-|0100. ||The Killing of the Asura Bhaga II|
|P. 0385||[02]|[02]|-|0101. ||The Destruction of the daitya Army|
|P. 0388||[02]|[02]|-|0102. ||The Battle with the Asura Kamala|
|P. 0391||[02]|[02]|-|0103. ||The Killing of the Asura Kamala|
|P. 0394||[02]|[02]|-|0104. ||The Manifestation of the Universal From|
|P. 0398||[02]|[02]|-|0105. ||The Casting Out of the Idea of Difference in Visvadeva|
|P. 0404||[02]|[02]|-|0106. ||Ganesa Steals the Moon on Siva's Forehead|
|P. 0407||[02]|[02]|-|0107. ||The Destruction of Indra's Sacrifice|
|P. 0412||[02]|[02]|-|0108. ||The Removal of Yama's Arrogance|
|P. 0415||[02]|[02]|-|0109. ||The Killing of the Raksasas|
|P. 0419||[02]|[02]|-|0110. ||The Despatch of Nandin|
|P. 0421||[02]|[02]|-|0111. ||The Description of the Deliberations I|
|P. 0425||[02]|[02]|-|0112. ||The Description of the Deliberations II|
|P. 0428||[02]|[02]|-|0113. ||The Killing of Mitra and Kaustubha|
|P. 0432||[02]|[02]|-|0114. ||The Defeat of Sindhu's Army|
|P. 0436||[02]|[02]|-|0115. ||The Enacting of a Multiplicity of Forms to Sindhu|
|P. 0440||[02]|[02]|-|0116. ||The Cleansing of the Battlefield|
|P. 0444||[02]|[02]|-|0117. ||Durga's Speech|
|P. 0447||[02]|[02]|-|0118. ||The Killing of Kala and Vikala|
|P. 0450||[02]|[02]|-|0119. ||Sindhu's Sons Fight the Divine Army|
|P. 0453||[02]|[02]|-|0120. ||The Conversation between Sindhu and His Father|
|P. 0458||[02]|[02]|-|0121. ||Mayuresa Defeats Sindhu's Army|
|P. 0463||[02]|[02]|-|0122. ||The Destruction of Sindhu's Army|
|P. 0467||[02]|[02]|-|0123. ||The Killing of Sindhu|
|P. 0473||[02]|[02]|-|0124. ||The Trip to the City|
|P. 0478||[02]|[02]|-|0125. ||Canesa's Marriage to Siddhi and Buddhi|
|P. 0482||[02]|[02]|-|0126. ||The Magnificence of the Doors|
|P. 0488||[02]|[02]|-|0127. ||The Origin of Sindura|
|P. 0491||[02]|[02]|-|0128. ||The Freeing of Parvati|
|P. 0497||[02]|[02]|-|0129. ||Ganesa is Propitiated to Kill Sindura|
|P. 0500||[02]|[02]|-|0130. ||The Imperceptibility of Gajanana|
|P. 0504||[02]|[02]|-|0131. ||The Victory over the Gandharvas|
|P. 0506||[02]|[02]|-|0132. ||The journey to Kailasa|
|P. 0509||[02]|[02]|-|0133. ||The Appearance of Parasara|
|P. 0512||[02]|[02]|-|0134. ||How the Rat Became Ganesa's Vehicle|
|P. 0516||[02]|[02]|-|0135. ||The Description of the Curse on Kraunca|
|P. 0519||[02]|[02]|-|0136. ||The Departure of Sindura|
|P. 0522||[02]|[02]|-|0137. ||The Instruction of Varenya|
|P. 0527||[02]|[02]|-|0138. ||The Yoga of the Meaning of the Essence of Samkhya|
|P. 0533||[02]|[02]|-|0139. ||The Yoga of Action|
|P. 0537||[02]|[02]|-|0140. ||The Attainment of Knowledge|
|P. 0542||[02]|[02]|-|0141. ||The Two-fold Yoga and Renunciation|
|P. 0545||[02]|[02]|-|0142. ||The Yoga Recommending the Lifestyle of Yoga|
|P. 0548||[02]|[02]|-|0143. ||The yoga of Intellect|
|P. 0550||[02]|[02]|-|0144. ||The Yoga of Worship|
|P. 0552||[02]|[02]|-|0145. ||The Appearance of his Universal Form|
|P. 0554||[02]|[02]|-|0146. ||The Yoga of Discrimination between Knower of the Field and the Field|
|P. 0558||[02]|[02]|-|0147. ||The Instruction about Yoga|
|P. 0560||[02]|[02]|-|0148. ||The Description of Objects Having Three Types|
|P. 0564||[02]|[02]|-|0149. ||The Dismissal of the Sage|
|P. 0569||[02]|[02]|-|0150. ||The Description of Siddhiksetra and the Favour to Vyasa|
|P. 0571||[02]|[02]|-|0151. ||The Description of the Arrival of the Vehicle|
|P. 0574||[02]|[02]|-|0152. ||The Visit of Hernakantha|
|P. 0578||[02]|[02]|-|0153. ||The Description of Sornakanta's Arrival at the God's Abode|
|P. 0581||[02]|[02]|-|0154. ||The Description of the Fifty-Six Vinayakas|
|P. 0583||[02]|[02]|-|0155. ||The Description of the Fruits of Hearing|